
LANDSCAPES: Shady Acres, Lakeville, San Diego, CA


ESSAY: Personal Credo


ESSAY: Economic Treason

A Treatise on Our Current Economic Circumstances

An Act Concerning the Breach of Public Trust by Managers of Monies and Resources Who have Taken, Used and Spent so as to Personally Profit from the Resources of Share Owners and Citizens.

> The premise is simple. When certain individuals or parties conduct themselves in such a way as to jeopardize the economic and social well being of the community, and have done so while personally benefitting simultaneous to the detriment of those who have entrusted them with proper management of certain resources, they have "endangered the life of the polity", and, as a result, may have committed Economic Treason.

> Include that they be held accountable for their actions, and be required to repay society for the effects and impacts of their actions accordingly.

> When decision makers, representatives of the polity, if you will, engage to assist those who violate the sacred trust, they too, must be held accountable. But here we must also address what the legal definitions of involvement may be.

There are precedents in history, however unsavory, for the punishment of such crimes were to meted out against the transgressors.

We don't have to follow these methods if they do not seem fit. Perhaps the penalty of Death is not sufficient deterrent. For some, forced remediation and reimbursement for the crimes they committed shall be,  for the remained of their lives, would be a far more brutal, yet, fitting, retribution.

Even, possibly, allowing the perpetrators appear to go free, but to be permanently banned from holding any professional titles, licenses, certifications or authority; forbidden to vote - much less engaged in the public decision-making process; obligated to maintain a very public address without interventions or protections. Let forces take their own course. They shall have to deal with their adversaries unprotected.


First penned in 1991, First Public showing: August 1991, Connecticut Legislative Office Building Complex


On The Road: Traffic jam on route 95


QUOTES: Salmon Rushdie


Street Scenes: Gelston House in East Haddam Village


Chalk Mural: 10,000 Sunflowers


Pet Portraits: Jack and Friday



Pen & Ink: City Street

From the Sketchbook  


Pen & Ink: Commercial Kitchen


ink/watercolor: "Now I Become Death, Destroyer of Worlds"

In memory of the combined bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 
J Robert Oppenheimer ~ regarded by many as one of the "fathers" of the thermo-nuclear bomb, referring to Hindu scripture to acknowledge the immensity 
and horror of  the outcome of their efforts. 

To have utterly decimated the populations of two cities full of civilians, even during an international conflict, the bombings were, in fact, a war crime . Official condemnation (i.e. exile, prison time, etcetera) never came for Oppenheimer or the others who developed, then deployed, these horrific weapons, their actions are recorded in history   


Ballek's Garden Center


Portraits: Frantz Fanon

Frantz Fanon was a brilliant activist and philosopher. Born in Martinique, In the course of his work as a physician and psychiatrist, Fanon supported Algeria's War of independence from France and was a member of the Algerian National Liberation Front when the citizens of Algeria fought to wrest their nation free from French Rule. His books, "Black Skin, White Masks" and "The Wretched of the Earth" are major works of  Anti-Racist and Anti-Colonial theory. 

Fanon has been described as "the most influential anticolonial thinker of his time.


Watercolor: Leaving Belize 2

 "Leaving Belize"

Watercolor/gouache on Arches paper
(from a plein air study)

Essay: The Fourteen Slanders


Truths about Art

 What one truth about being an artist would you share with a younger artist?

Plan carefully; Take risks and don’t stay in your comfort zone; Don’t expect the Muse to visit all the time, but keep working on something every day.

Color Pencil Study: The woods from Porges Road

 This is an effort to make a scene I'm quite familiar with more abstract

Domestic Scenes: House portrait; pond painting

  A client asked for a house portrait. Customarily, when doing a house portrait I interview the residents of the house to determine their interests and what unique things they would like in the completed image. In this instance they told me the location from which the house was to be painted.

Yet during an interview and a site visit it was evident that a key feature of the property, a koi pond, lovingly built over time by one of the couple, would not be clearly visible from the preferred vantage point. Additionally, on the site visit I could see that much of the family's outdoor entertaining and visiting was conducted from a deck overlook above the pond.  It seemed certain that providing a portrait without the pond was as if one did a portrait of a couple with only one person in the picture.

So I elected to include, as part of the original agreed upon commission price, the pond. 

 The house was painted in acrylic 22"x28". For many reasons, this one was more of a challenge, from how to make the base of the pond look like more than a pile of rocks to angles and quirky add-ons and how to make them appear as a cohesive image. The personalization make the complete picture easier.  

The koi pond is a watercolor. 12" x 16". This was, for me, a pleasure to paint. During the sketching phase, I observed a Chinese character for "Spring" on a stone plate. In interests of completeness, the other three seasons were added based, clock-wise, with the original siting of Spring. 

Commissions are often a challenge. Sometimes the query isn't clear. But I learn from each of them.