
pix credit © 2004 | mike [at] satanslaundromat.com
Still photography can say much or nothing yet be beautiful | A "photolog" website calling itself Satan's Laundromat provides as much | Crisp, clear, drenched in color images that, while maybe not taking your breath away, give one pause |
     Site blurb reads "...This is a Brooklyn-based photolog with an emphasis on urban decay, strange signage, and general weirdness...."
     Artfully constructed, beautiful pictures of sites and places few one ordinarily consider appealing | Nothing gross, mind you, just unusual |
     Go see it


Two website finds
Iconomania | Studies in Visual Culture [only one issue online, unfortunately]
The Panorama | History of a Mass Medium | [a book review] | The author of the book postulates that
"I hope to show that the pictorial panorama was in one respect an apparatus for glorifying the bourgeois view of the world; it served both as an instrument for liberating human vision and for limiting and "imprisoning" it anew. As such it represents the first true mass medium."
Stephan Oetterman, The Panorama, 7.
Personally, I'm not sure I agree that depicting panoramic vistas are, in and of themselves, glorifications of the "bourgeois view of the world" | They seem to be to be an attempt to get a glimpse of the breadth of a span of line of sight | This is not to say they aren't ever bourgeois images. just that Mr. Oetterman's perspect seems unduly limiting of the potential of panoramic vistas | Looks like a great book, otherwise |


We all need to relax once in awhile | Holiday weekends provide a brief respite from the bounce and chaos of the rest of the week, and the regular grind | But each of us chooses to relax differently | Some just want to sit by the food vendor's cart [as is the case for the folks on the right] and take a load off our feet [though, without a doubt, the vendor doesn'thave the day off] | Myself, I like to grab a pen and paper, or paints and paper, and capture what I see for posterity |
     Of late, some have said I ought to go commercial with my work, and I can use the rest of the summer to be more determined about that | With that in mind, rather than hide all these moments of relaxation under a metaphorical rock, I have stored them online | The image to the left can be clicked on to an entry page with a listing of some of those restful moments | Gives folks a chance to see a [small] range of my non-expository works | You can also see links to some of the online essays from this page |
     So... have a look-see and let me know what you think | will.brady@gmail.com [by now, most folks know the routine, cut and past the addy into the proper line on an e-mail form]
     Enjoy your summer |